Wednesday, March 21, 2012

"R" is for....

Jenny Matlock
Getting "older" I think of people before I think of me
I think of loved ones, friends and most of all family
No longer night's of parties and days carefree
I'm a grown ass man with RESPONSIBILITIES.

My three sons mean this entire world to me
so glad God gave that second chance to see
those boys becoming better men than me
I thank him everyday for that, and what it means.

RESPONSIBILITY is more than just another word to me
It's been passed through generations down my family tree
It means to stand up for your country and your beliefs
and to fight for that country if that is what it needs.

I am proud of all my friends, loved ones, and family
for being there to support each other through the tragedies
Not running from but facing head on what comes naturally
all of this defines RESPONSIBILITY to me. 


  1. Being responsible for everything given to
    us in this life is not something many can
    Very good post
    following from Jennys

  2. You are certainly blessed with a responsible family.

  3. I like reading how you see responsibility in your life, your family, your country. Good choices.
    "..those boys becoming better men than me" - my favorite line, very heart felt. Great line.

  4. Great R post...very Responsible:)

  5. Thanks for sharing your feelings through this poem. I feel a great sense of responsibility toward my family and country, too. So does my husband.


  6. Insightful and inspiring!

    Sometimes I feel like I carry the whole world on my shoulders, but try to remember that it's my job as the "elder" of the family to take care of everyone and I wouldn't trade it if I could...

    love it!

  7. Awesome. We need lots more people who not only feel responsibility, but also act responsibly. It's part of what's missing in the moral fiber of society these days, I think.

  8. Thank you for sharing this with us for the letter "R"!

    I truly Respect how important Responsibility is to you...

    Your words always inspire me!

