Wednesday, June 29, 2011

"K" is for knowledge

Jenny Matlock

Karma can be a bitch, and is also the name of my female dog                      
Nobody ever won a medal for running through a london fog                         
Owning something is way different than having something to call your own
   Winning is not everything,but trying your best is something they cannot clone
Leaving things to chance is like betting on a happy circumstance                 
Everyone has someone out there sounds like a cheesy movie romance         
Don't know why or how this has to do with gaining any sort of knowledge  
Getting by with what i learned in kindergarten, not all the things in college 
     Escaping from reality by clever phrase and witty wording hoping it don't erase


  1. Very Kreative!


  2. Karma is really your dog's name? I love it!

    Kan't argue with your Kreativity here.

  3. Kan't follow Karma through the London fok !

  4. I want a dog named Karma! How kooky kool is that?

  5. love knowledge of any kinds.
    well played K word.

  6. Owning something is way different than having something to call your own

    I love this line.

    Well written!

    Thank you for linking.

