Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"B" is for....

Jenny Matlock

                                                        Beautiful like a warm spring day
Beautiful in each and every way
Beautiful like a summer's blue moon
Beautiful enough to make my heart swoon
Beautiful like a winter's fresh fallen snow
Beautiful in every way this heart knows
Beautiful both inside and out
Beautiful that makes my soul shout
Beautiful inside your generous heart
Beautiful enough to tear my world apart
Beautiful even if you don't believe
Beautiful, trust me it's all I see


  1. :-) it's beautiful that you're sincere & real
    cause beautiful is how you make me feel:-)

  2. That's some lucky woman to rate a poem like that!! Great "B" post!!

  3. Beautiful. What woman wouldn't love to have that poem written to her!

  4. beautiful ways to show beauty,
    amazed by your imagination.


  5. What a sad ending! Well done!

  6. Anyone would love to receive that poem.


  7. you definitely have a way with the words. Beautiful!

    I missed the posting deadline for Alphabe-Thursday this week...feel free to stop by, tho... :)

  8. Hooray! You're doing poetry! I love it!

    I should take an example from you and make myself challenge my writing each week. For now, though, I'm content to bask in the reflecte4d glow of your ongoing journey through these beautiful words!

    Thanks for linking.

