Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"O" is for.....

Jenny Matlock

As the year continues into seasons colder
I find myself reflecting on being a decade OLDER
Has the first forty years made me tame or bolder
Did God give me all the weight I could shoulder

OLDER and wiser the saying goes they say
So I've grown to live my life day by day
While the first two decades I lived to play
these last two have made me the man today

As I grow OLDER the past becomes reflected
Were decisions made right and how my life's affected
Do I feel elated or feel alone and dejected
Have I done enough to leave a stamp detected

Well these last forty years have made me OLDER
I find myself not tame but bolder
In beliefs held dear I am proud to shoulder
As the year continues to seasons colder.



  1. I bet you will leave a wonderful mark on the world.

  2. Forty has a way of making you feel it, doesn't it? colder, rickety-er, lamer, sadder. You name it.

  3. I remember 40...just keeps getting better!

  4. I am forty too...and feel the same, well, almost.

  5. We age to perfection don't ya know? :)~Ames

  6. I am still catching up from the O posts too! Great writing! You are making me smile! I will be 5 9 this December and darn proud of it!

  7. Sounds like a wonderful tribute to a great man! Good for you!!! :)

  8. I love the first line of it. It is flitting through my mind over and over again.

    What a masterful start to powerful poem.

    Is it your birthday?

    If so, Happy birthday!

    If not, thank you for the gift of your words!

