Thursday, April 19, 2012

"V" is for.....

Jenny Matlock 

Some people place VALUE on what a person does
or they place it on what a person's worth
In times of yore it was placed not on the skinny
but upon those of us with some girth.

I myself find it all silly to VALUE
 on someone only for what they do
I choose instead to place my VALUE
on other things and look at life anew

Someone need not be rich
 to give out sage advice
and just because you are rich
doesn't mean that you are nice

Placing VALUE on someone
purely for reasons monetarily
seems to me to be backwards
and quite a bit contrary

For a person's VALUE should
be measured through their heart
For if not for compassion
this world would tear apart.

"I would rather take advice from a penniless prophet, then an enriched fool."

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

"U" is for.....

Jenny Matlock

United States??- Terry Krueger 4/11/12

  The following is something that’s been running through the old noggin for awhile now.
Instead of the pithy somewhat witty little poem from a somewhat talented writer, this write is about something near and dear to my heart, the United States of America. Now I know some people will not agree with me and some may praise me as a new profit, but seriously these are just my humble opinions on the state and future of this country. Before anyone thinks that I’m all political and want to open up a discussion involving such, I’m not. I am a patriot who has served this nation’s military, worked hard and has seen a steady decline in the “American dream” I grew up with.

  That being said, here is the list of things I believe need to change to get back to the United States.

1)      People need to get over the bi-partism and realize we all are in this together. Whether you voted for the current administration or not, they were elected by a majority vote. The whole attitude of “He’s not my president” needs to go, he won he is. You may not have voted for him but he won now be a patriot and support our elected leader(s).
2)      Get over the “he did this” or “they did that” There is 545 people who have a hand in our government policy, not counting their staffs, counselors, and various lobbiest groups. So no one does anything without anyone else. It’s a fact simple as that, get over it.
3)      We need to restructure the way some of those policies are handled to insure less cost or no cost at all. The foreign policy alone is screwed, we are not the world police, we have our own issues that need to be fixed before we help out the rest of the world. For example our welfare system as it stands allows people to receive benefits from more then one state, why can’t we have a national system? Think of how much that would save alone. Why do we give aid to countries who do nothing for us? We need to collect on debt that’s owed this country and take care of any monetary debt owed other nations. We need to find new forms of fuel so as not be dependant on other nations. Between Alaska and Texas we produce plenty of oil, add in North Dakota and we have even more. Alas the reality is oil is a fossil fuel which will eventually run out, so we need to find alternatives, period.
4)      We need to bring back “American” companies to America. Our auto industry alone is mostly produced overseas, while we make Toyotas for Japan? Sounds wrong to me and easily fixed. Give them the tax breaks they need to come home, let our economy grow strong again, buy American made. We were once a super power and the promised land, we need to get back to being so.
5)      We need to stop saying the illegals take all the jobs from hard working Americans, if we were hard working we would be willing to do those jobs. We’re not they are. They take jobs for little money, we don’t. Also we need to stop hiring them- simple as that.
Now those are just the top 5 of many changes we as a nation need to make in my opinion. Again I’m no politician-thank god, and just knowledgable to be dangerous, so take it or leave it. I am a proud American who hates to see his country going downhill. I know one person cant change the country, but I seriously hope someone does.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

"T" is for......

                                                              Jenny Matlock                                                                                                                                                                                 
Tenacity is all I see
every time I look at thee
for it takes all of you to be
the one who puts up with me.

I know it doesn't come easily
to be in love with someone like me
but I give my heart up easily
for in you love is all i see.