Friday, March 30, 2012

"S" is for.....

Jenny Matlock

SOME people are content to be part of the herd
to be yet another SIMPLE SHEEP
While others prefer to be the leader
and make more noise then tiny peeps.

To be a part of the flow is fine for SOME it SEEMS
But life is for the living, this I wholeheartedly believe.
To rise above the normal black and white SIMPLICITY
To raise my voice so loud that all can hear and plainly see me.

I want the people to know I was here SO long after I am gone
That they all remember my beliefs held SO dear and for SO long
That everyone is equal whether SHEPARD or the SHEEP
and this is our world to SHARE and for everyone to keep.

SO I pray that everybody SHARES in the world as it SLOWLY grows
Where the the future takes us heaven only knows.
I'll live my life as a leader an example to the flock
and never underestimate it but in it take stock

That there are people in the world content to be
yet another SIMPLE SHEEP
and others that are born to lead
and make more noise than just a peep. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

"R" is for....

Jenny Matlock
Getting "older" I think of people before I think of me
I think of loved ones, friends and most of all family
No longer night's of parties and days carefree
I'm a grown ass man with RESPONSIBILITIES.

My three sons mean this entire world to me
so glad God gave that second chance to see
those boys becoming better men than me
I thank him everyday for that, and what it means.

RESPONSIBILITY is more than just another word to me
It's been passed through generations down my family tree
It means to stand up for your country and your beliefs
and to fight for that country if that is what it needs.

I am proud of all my friends, loved ones, and family
for being there to support each other through the tragedies
Not running from but facing head on what comes naturally
all of this defines RESPONSIBILITY to me. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

"Q" is for...

Jenny Matlock 
So we've come once again to the letter "Q"
the QUINTESSENTIAL scrabble letter it's true it's true
It's QUIRKY, QUIET, cute, and QUAINT
So hard to use it may make you faint
So be wise while playing and hoard those "U"'s
for without hard pressed for words with "Q"'s
Remember my friends to keep your aim true
to win the game with the QUIRKY "Q"

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

"P" is for....

Jenny Matlock

For this PARTICULAR POST I will PURSUE a different PURPOSE
 then PUTTING PHRASE into PARAGRAPH or my usual PROSE.
I would like to PRAISE the man who made me, the man who
PRODUCED in me, the way I am today. My father, my PATERNAL influence, 
My PADRE, my.....POPS.
Now when he was younger man he was a true PATRIOT
he joined the military of his own mind and never let us forget.
He served his country valliantly in a sad forgotten war
and fought for god, country and family to protect our very shore.
He came home to a nation, not proud of what it"s done
a returning warrior, a mother's oldest PRODIGAL son.
PATRIOTISM runs deep to this day in my Father's veins
and the soul and heart of a warrior inside him still remains.
He PROTECTED and worked for his country his God and family
he raised us with real values,my brother, sister and me.
I am PROUD to be the son of PARENTS who believe in loyalty
to have my family's warrior blood coursing straight through me.
I thank God everyday for everything and for all they gave
For blessing me with a real father and for the life's he saved.
That's my POPS in a nutshell, he might seem simple or quite PLAIN
but the PRIDE in me started early and today it still remains.